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What can I expect Before, During & After the Process?
Your expectations will be discussed. Communication is clear on wnat the end result will look like.
A guideline is created with conventional make-up, but the final decisionis yours.
Pre-Procedure Care & Considerations

*  Avoid caffeine prior to procedure. Caffeine is a stimulant.This can thin the blood and make you bleed
    which can cause the pigment not to implant properly.
*  Getting a procedure during your period can make you hyper-sensitive.Try to make your permanent cosmetic
    appointment about a week after the last day of your menstral cycle.
*  Zovarix (a prescription drug) or L-Lysine (over the counter) is recommmended if you have a history of cold sores.
    Start one week prior to lip procedure.
*  Check with your physician prior to procedure if your have severe diabetes, hepatitis, or heart problems.
*   A patch test is available if you are prone to alergies.

Pigment Application
A custom pigment is mixed to compliment your special coloring. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area.This anesthetic usually stays on for aproximatley 30 minutes before procedure. The permanent make-up specialist implants pigment using sterilized disposable needles. Strict sanitation guidelines are followed at all times to ensure your safety. The pigments used are formulated specifically for permanent cosmetic use. The comfort level varies from client to client. Most report the feeling of vibration and anxiety rather than discomfort. Additional anesthetic is advisable if desired.
Post-Procedure Care & Considerations
Immidiately following the procedure: the area treated will appear much darker and more difined than the final result after healing. Be patient. It
will look much softer 5-6 days depending on how fast your skin heals. Blood pools underneath the skin the first week making the pigment seem darker than normal. The color will lighten 30-50% after the first week. Then about the 3rd week the outer layer of skin with it's filter will soften and darken up the color about 25%. Most clients can go to work the next day but with the eyeliner procedure you may be swollen more than the permanent eyebrow procedure. Tenderness is expected, but slight bruising and irritation may sometimes occur. Put a cold compress on the night of the permanent makeup procedure, and then again in the morning. Laying down sleeping horizontal will cause the blood to flow up to the head, when awaking the next morning you may be more swollen than the day before. Once you awaken and become vertical, the blood will flow down. Cold compress will take the swelling away within the first hour. Be sure that once you are done with the cold compress that you apply the A&D ointment to lubricate the area so it does not dry out and scab.
  Permanent Eyeliner Permanent Eyebrows Permanent Lip Color  
Expect the eye to be tender for 1-2 days. You may do the following if the area is swollen after the procedure. Apply an cold pack directly to the area. Or you may use sterile gause dipped in ice water, place over swollen area.

Brows will be tender for 1-2 days, appear dark for 5-6 days, than dramatically soften up to 50%. Fresh powder may be used to soften during the healing process

This area will take longr to heal. The color will be extremely brightfor 7-8 days then fade to no color and reappear aftr 3-6 weeks
Follow Any Additional Advice From Your Technician
Make an appointment after the healing process if there is anything you would like to change. A premature touch-up can result in scarring, tenderness and inaccurate color. Color cannot be adjusted until it has healed.
Copyright by Frost Yourself Spa 2023
Port Richey, Florida
Servicing permanent makeup in Spring Hill, Brooksville, Homosassa, Crystal River, Hudson, Port Richey, New Port Richey.